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McNews 6/14/2024

HelloMy name is Grayson McNew and I am your ENDORSED REPUBLICANcandidate for 41A. I wanted to give you a bit of an update about what we’ve beendoing over at team McNew, and what a busy couple of months they have…

Protecting the Second Amendment

Shall not be infringed. We need comprehensive repeals of state laws placing caps, and limits on the number of concealed carry permits allowed. Followed by the enactment of Constitutional Carry, castle doctrine, or stand your ground laws. We should also…

School Choice, and Education Reform

I firmly believe that education is a right that every American should have. I used my education to pull myself out of poverty and to put myself through college. That being said, no one has a right to YOUR child.…

Eliminate the SS Income Tax

Social Security was designed to provide Americans with peace of mind. It was created so that after a life of work you can hang your hat without worrying about paying for groceries. Unfortunately today that money continues to shrink and…

California Clean Car Initiative 

I drive a 2012 v8 Chevy Suburban. On a good day I get 12 miles a gallon so needless to say I am not a friend of GreenPeace. But that doesn’t mean I don’t care about the environment, I just…