My name is Grayson McNew and I am your ENDORSED REPUBLICAN
candidate for 41A. I wanted to give you a bit of an update about what we’ve been
doing over at team McNew, and what a busy couple of months they have been!
Unfortunately, as you might have heard, our district is now facing a primary
election. While many delegates have expressed their frustration with this, I
encourage everyone to remain strong and focus on victory in November together
we can take back the House!!

Since our endorsement convention in March, I have been working hard with the
folks in our state party to earn their support and ensure our district is in focus for
the 2024 election season. From making phone calls, to door knocking, and even
stuffing letters we are hard at work making sure the people of 41A’s voice is heard.
If you want to help join our fight you can sign up HERE, I would love to have you on the team! I am also proud to have earned the endorsement of our party’s
Chairman David Hann.

While a primary election is what no one in our district had hoped for, it provides us with an
opportunity. I am young, energetic, and ready to help lead the next generation of conservatives in
our district. But I am no politician. I was born and raised to a blue collar family, and I
am the first in my family to graduate from college. I grew up in a small 700 sqft
townhouse with my brother and sister, we were as poor as it gets but we made the
best of it. What I learned is hard work and dedication pay off in the end.
Today I live in Afton, Minnesota, and serve as the First Officer for the St. Croix
River Company; a small family business here in Afton. I am in the process of
obtaining my USCG 100 ton masters license, to serve as one of the new Captains
for the company. I love my job, and don’t intend to quit it, full time politicians
are what has created the problems we face today. We need a Representative that
understands hard work, and dedication are what it takes to get legislation passed.

Previously, I have worked as a legislative aide for the Minnesota House, and have seen
firsthand how the radical policies of the DFL have pushed our state to the brink of economic
collapse, and it NEEDS to stop. I know the legislative process inside and out. As your next
representative, I pledge to fight for the principles of Liberty, and protect us from far left attempts
to overregulate our way of life.

But to do this I NEED YOUR HELP, and fortunately this year the maximum contribution
threshold for the Political Contribution Refund (PCR) program has been increased to
$75/person, and $150 per couple. This means you can donate up to $75/person and receive a
FULL reimbursement from the state.
You can donate to help me RESTORE Minnesota at no cost to you!
If you are able to donate you can do so HERE, any contribution is greatly appreciated and is
crucial for helping me take our message to the people of 41A.
I look forward to getting to know you in the coming months, please follow us on facebook for
more regular updates about what;s happening over at McNew for House.
In Liberty,
Grayson McNew
Endorsed Republican Candidate – 41A
(c): (443) 943-2720
(w): (651) 317-9509
Prepared and Paid for by McNew For House – 15102 Afton Hills Dr S, Afton MN, 55001