School Choice, and Education Reform

I firmly believe that education is a right that every American should have. I used my education to pull myself out of poverty and to put myself through college. That being said, no one has a right to YOUR child. For over two decades we have watched as parental rights in this country have been slowly eroded, we have put more ill advised faith into our  Government run schools. If going through the insanity of COVID with your children masked on the sports field, and forced to distance learn doesn’t have you asking questions, it should.

Teacher unions in Minnesota have had the reins of power, not the Governor or the Legislature. DFL special Interest groups are dumping money in campaigns and right into legislators pockets to ensure they vote their way. If they want to shutter schools for a pay raise, guess what they will. Instead of approaching the problem the same way we have for decades we need bold change. We need School Choice now!

School choice is a simple concept, for each student there is a dollar amount instead of being forced to choose the public school you can take YOUR money and invest it in a school of your choice. If you want your child to have a hands-on more Kinesthetic learning experience you can choose to do so. If you want your child to attend a christian academy or other faith based school you are welcome to do so. The idea is that we can introduce competition into our education system. 

The left wants to paint this as a dystopian education system bought and paid for by corporate America, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. This doesn’t privitize our education system, it individualizes it. Instead of being treated like just another cash cow  by the schools, we are making them compete to enroll our kids at their school. They need to prove to parents that they are providing the education they want for their kids. What’s so wrong with that? 

If I am elected to be your next State Representative I will push for School Choice to be enacted immediately. We can either be leaders in education or slaves to the system. I think it is high time we broke the chain our schools have on us and put parents back in charge of their children’s education. 

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