Shall not be infringed.

We need comprehensive repeals of state laws placing caps, and limits on the number of concealed carry permits allowed. Followed by the enactment of Constitutional Carry, castle doctrine, or stand your ground laws. We should also take action to instruct the attorney general to ignore any federal legislation that may be prescribed by the President. It is well overdue to put control of peoples’ protection back into their own hands. These are not a privilege granted to us by the government by god given rights that no man can take away.
We need more gun safety education and training available to parents for children. The issue is not guns, it’s that we have conditioned Americans to view it as only a weapon and not also a tool. We cannot continue to allow fear to chisel away at our right to bear arms. The best tool to fight fear is education and empathy. Millions of Minnesotans become first time gun owners in the past 2 years. We need to make sure they know how to safely use them.
Not only will I push to pass constitutional carry, and castle doctrine but we need to change the perception of guns. This can only happen through our community. I would love to partner with the sheriffs off, local ranges, gun shops, and training facilities to schedule and conduct regular community training for those who seek it.